PermalinkAnimator Controllers
Animator Controllers Generator finds all animator controllers in the project and generates static classes for all animator controllers inside AnimatorControllers type under HardCodeds namespace. A generated static class for a animator controller contains layers, parameters, states and sub-state machines.
PermalinkScripting Reference
public static class AnimatorControllers
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.StateName"; /* Changable field value depending on state names. */
The full path of a state for any state type. The full path includes the parent layer / sub-state machine’ s path.
public const int FullPathHash = 1269943043; /* Changable field value depending on the hash of state names. */
The hash of the full path of a state for any state type. The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash.
public const int Hash = 1904921990; /* Changable field value depending on the hash of parameter names. */
The hash of the name of a parameter for any parameter type. The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash.
public const string Name = "Name"; /* Changable field value depending on state or parameter names. */
The short name of a state for any state type. The name does not include the parent layer / sub-state machine’ s path.
public const int ShortNameHash = 1187711742; /* Changable field value depending on the hash of state names. */
The hash of the short name of a state for any state type. The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash.
public const string Tag = "Tag"; /* Changable field value depending on state tags. */
public const int TagHash = 1002762595; /* Changable field value depending on the hash of state tags. */
The hash of the tag of a state for state type. The hash is generated using Animator.StringToHash.
public static int AllCount { get; }
Gets states count in current layer and nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int AllSubStateCount { get; }
Gets sub-state machines count in current layer and nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int Count { get; }
Gets all animator controllers count in the project for AnimatorControllers type.
Gets all layers count for AnimatorControllers.Layers type.
Gets all parameters count for AnimatorControllers.Parameters type.
Gets states count in current layer for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int Index { get; }
public static string Name { get; }
Retrieves the name of current layer for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int NestedsCount { get; }
Gets states count in nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int NestedSubStateCount { get; }
Gets sub-state machines count in nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static int SubStateCount { get; }
Gets sub-state machines count in current layer for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] AllSubStatesToArray()
Returns an array containing sub-state machine names in current layer and nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] AllToArray()
Returns an array containing state names in current layer and nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string Get(string state)
Retrieves the full path of the specified state for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] NestedsToArray()
Returns an array containing state names in nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] NestedSubStatesToArray()
Returns an array containing sub-state machine names in nested layers for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] SubStatesToArray()
Returns an array containing sub-state machine names in current layer for any layer or sub-state machine types.
public static string[] ToArray()
Returns an array containing all animator controller names in the project for AnimatorControllers type.
Returns an array containing all layer names for AnimatorControllers.Layers type.
Returns an array containing all parameter names for AnimatorControllers.Parameters type.
Returns an array containing state names in current layer for any layer or sub-state machine types.
PermalinkGenerated Code Template
namespace HardCodeds
public static class AnimatorControllers
public static int Count { get; }
public static string[] ToArray();
public static class Athlete
public static class Layers
public static int Count { get; }
public static string[] ToArray();
public static class Base_Layer
public static int AllCount { get; }
public static int Count { get; }
public static int Index { get; }
public static string Name { get; }
public static int NestedsCount { get; }
public static int SubStateCount { get; }
public static string[] AllToArray();
public static string Get(string state);
public static string[] NestedsToArray();
public static string[] SubStatesToArray();
public static string[] ToArray();
public static class Idle
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Idle";
public const int FullPathHash = 1432961145;
public const string Name = "Idle";
public const int ShortNameHash = 2081823275;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class Jumping
public static int Count { get; }
public static string Name { get; }
public static string Get(string state);
public static string[] ToArray();
public static class HighJump
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Jumping.HighJump";
public const int FullPathHash = 1364083495;
public const string Name = "HighJump";
public const int ShortNameHash = 453147229;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class Hurdling
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Jumping.Hurdling";
public const int FullPathHash = 1598076742;
public const string Name = "Hurdling";
public const int ShortNameHash = 353144380;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class LongJump
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Jumping.LongJump";
public const int FullPathHash = 327925502;
public const string Name = "LongJump";
public const int ShortNameHash = 1506248580;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class PoleVault
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Jumping.PoleVault";
public const int FullPathHash = -1040835948;
public const string Name = "PoleVault";
public const int ShortNameHash = 1902956175;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class TripleJump
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Jumping.TripleJump";
public const int FullPathHash = 739826876;
public const string Name = "TripleJump";
public const int ShortNameHash = -1496477820;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class Run
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Run";
public const int FullPathHash = -827840423;
public const string Name = "Run";
public const int ShortNameHash = 1748754976;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class Walk
public const string FullPath = "Base Layer.Walk";
public const int FullPathHash = 81563449;
public const string Name = "Walk";
public const int ShortNameHash = 765711723;
public const string Tag = "";
public const int TagHash = 0;
public static class Parameters
public static int Count { get; }
public static string[] ToArray();
public static class HighJump
public const int Hash = 453147229;
public const string Name = "HighJump";
public static class Hurdling
public const int Hash = 353144380;
public const string Name = "Hurdling";
public static class LongJump
public const int Hash = 1506248580;
public const string Name = "LongJump";
public static class PoleVault
public const int Hash = 1902956175;
public const string Name = "PoleVault";
public static class Run
public const int Hash = 1748754976;
public const string Name = "Run";
public static class TripleJump
public const int Hash = -1496477820;
public const string Name = "TripleJump";
public static class Walk
public const int Hash = 765711723;
public const string Name = "Walk";
public static class BlueSphere
// ...
public static class GreenSphere
// ...
public static class MobileObject
// ...
public static class RedSphere
// ...
public static class WhiteSphere
// ...
Customize AnimatorControllers type properties, methods, filters, and other settings through configuration asset.